H o n g L e i ’ s S t o r y.


Dare2Dream has always been close to my heart, though it’s been something that I’ve been realizing more so on a daily basis. It was a vision embedded in my mind through a catalyst—by the name of Hong Lei, a good friend of mine, and the reason why I continue to pursue this aspiration. Looking back, I don’t think that I would have embarked on this journey, if not for his ambition and the desire he had to look beyond the scope of his settings. It was through him that I started Dare2Dream, a project to help realize the dreams of children who had nothing, but were determined to achieve everything.  

I met Hong Lei when he first joined our Dahua Orphanage in 2010 when he was at the age of nine. His father had died of brain cancer, and shortly afterwards his mother abandoned him. Although we took care of him from that point on, there are some scars that do not heal lightly—and his parents’ absence had dealt a deep wound.  

To say that he was looking for attention—looking to be loved—would be an understatement. He had a big heart, a fiery personality, and a keen understanding of what he wanted. His expressive and competitive nature drew me in, and we became close; he was my little bro. He would often challenge me as a sign of affection and respect. Often, this would show from our bouts at Ping Pong, a hobby of his. I digress, it was something more than a pastime. To him, it was his passion and his dream. He wanted to be famous for it. He wanted to be the best.  


I remember one time I was at the orphanage where we decided to start a round of Ping Pong. Of course, Hong Lei rose to the occasion. Amidst the cheers and the shouts of excitement, HongLei threw his paddle towards the opposing players side of the table and shouted at them after a close loss. That’s when I decided to approach him about what just happened. It was then that I was able to understand HongLei better. About his frustrations, his dreams and aspirations. I still chastised him and we reconciled. I told him that I had high standards for him, and I knew in my heart he was capable of great things.  

I wish I could have returned back to those times. Unfortunately, he took after his father in that he developed brain cancer at the age of 13. He was taken to the operating room on multiple occasions for surgery, but I distinctly remember how he was never afraid. He took it all in stride, and never let it get to his mind. He had a total of three surgeries. He lost his mobility in his dominant hand after the first surgery, so he switched to his left hand to continue playing Ping Pong. After his second surgery, his hand-eye coordination was drastically affected. The third surgery was completed, but the cancer came back almost immediately. It was then that we all decided that we didn’t want him to suffer anymore. He passed away in August 2019. 

When I heard the news, I was devastated. I was halfway across the world in California. I felt that (and still do) he had so much to live for. He had potential, a big dream, and a loving heart. I stand here, watching Dare2Dream blossoming more with each passing day. I see that same passion in our children, and I realize how important it is to me to help them realize their goals. I can just imagine Hong Lei watching from the clouds above; and he would be smiling a cheeky grin, knowing that he’s passed the torch to a new generation. A generation in the pursuit of excellence, who celebrate their worth—a generation, that dares to dream.