T h e A r c h i t e c t .

Josh Yeung was born in Hong Kong, and was raised in California. At the age of ten, his parents decided to move to China with a vision to help disabled orphans. Soon after, his parents founded Silver Lining Missions, a nonprofit organization that currently benefits over 600 children.  

Josh attended UC Irvine and started working afterwards. However, he felt driven to return to Hong Kong to redirect his focus towards the children at Silver Lining. He now works as a Project Manager where he facilitates and coordinates the numerous projects linked with Dare 2 Dream. He believes that his work at Silver Lining Missions is his purpose in life. 

Utilizing the history of having been raised in multiple countries, Josh has developed a collective perspective that he directs to his ambitions. He hopes to inspire the children he works with to chase their dreams, and believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to flourish.  

With a determined approach, Josh hopes to forge a path between the East and the West, proving that we are all one people—and that we all deserve the right to dream.